Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (RCBC) are looking to decarbonise their portfolio of buildings, through the installation of energy saving measures, and low carbon heating and electrical technologies. The council identified a possible source of funding for this was the SALIX Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSD). On this basis, the council first engaged Decerna to design a scheme and apply for funding, and when successful, to manage the scheme through to the deployment and completion of a range of low carbon measures
Outline and objectives
The initial objective for Decerna was to review the existing portfolio of buildings, and identify the measures to be applied. With this technical feasibility undertaken, Decerna then successfully applied for £426,611 from the SALIX PSD.
The awarded grant was for a project to upgrade seven buildings, these were;
- 25K Community Centre
- Redcar and Cleveland House
- CLC Data Centre
- Dormanstown Family Hub
- Daisy Lane
- Grangetown Library
- Skelton Civic Centre
The project involved the installation of heat pumps within three of the buildings, and installation of a total of 300 kWp of photovoltaics
Shreya Kulkarni from Decerna undertook the overall project management of the project, reporting to both the council and to Salix. For the physical installation design, install and commissioning, Decerna subcontracted Oakes Energy Services for the heat pump elements of the project, and Advanced Renewable Power for the photovoltaic elements
By March 2021, the installations were completed and commissioned, reducing both the carbon footprint of the council, and providing significant cost savings against the rising price of energy. The project is expected to save 55 tonnes of CO2e per anum.
Further information
For further information visit the SALIX website